You know all of those really junky foods your kids see in ads or on the grocery store shelf and want you to buy? April Fool’s Day and/or Halloween are PERFECT times to grab a few of them.
But here’s the trick.
You buy a few when the kids aren’t around. Then, stealthily, you empty out the real contents. After they’re asleep, you pack their usual healthy lunch…veggies, fruit, sandwich. Each item gets placed inside one of the junk containers.
At school, they open their lunch to be wowed by your generosity on the junk. As they open the containers, they see the trick is on them!
Oh what fun!
(When we did this, we kept the junky items and let our son try them after school. Although he can always appreciate most chips and candy, he took one bite and no more of the other crappy lunch items proclaiming, “Yuck! This tastes like fake whipped cream.” Our work here is done!)