Have you ever made from-scratch doughnuts, fresh pressed apple juice, french fries sliced from whole potatoes, your own custom seasoned sausage or home-smoked back bacon? Most commercial versions of these foods are loaded with salt, sugar or the wrong fats. They’re blamed as contributors to obesity, cancer and diabetes. Everyone I know (our family included) who might occasionally make foods like these at home isn’t dealing with ill health. They avoid most commercial versions. Because the time and effort involved is SERIOUS, they’re not made very often. When they are, it’s with quality ingredients and in small batches that aren’t eternally shelf stable. If making your own back bacon sounds a bit much, the point is that homemade versions of anything are almost always better. No matter the size or age, make your kitchen a place you want to be. The more time spent there, the healthier you’ll eat. Keep a smartly stocked fridge and pantry. Clear out clutter and useless gadgets. The kitchen is the gas station that supplies the fuel for your life. #ChueyOnThis #HomemadeIsBest

Patricia Chuey

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